
Open-ended play: a world of infinite curiosities and possibilities

Leaving your little ones to explore and learn through play builds upon their natural curiosity and creativity! 


Beautiful and functional pieces to outfit your little one on their adventures.

Dress them to explore the world, step back and let them do the rest!


Books that mould the curious minds of our precious little beings

About us

Founded by two friends who became mothers at the peak of a pandemic, Curious Seeds aims to build and share.  We want to build an inclusive community of parents, to help each other navigate the ups and downs of parenthood. We want to share with you our favourite things for the little ones. Sustainably and ethically produced toys and clothes, both beautiful and functional to nurture our little curious seeds the best way we can. 

"From little seeds grow mighty trees"

Our curious seeds

"We are planting the seeds that are our toddlers, providing the right conditions for them, adjusting when needed, and watching them grow. The direction their lives take will be of their own making"
- Simone Davies